SBA Passwords
SBA Policy - Setting secure password protection for computers and other devices that contain personal information and access to SBA confidential information, such as grades and sensitive conversations shared in emails, is vital. SBA Employees are responsible for remembering key passwords: SBA computer account, SBA email, FACTS SIS, Apple ID, iPad unlock PIN, etc.
IMPORTANT Password Details:
The SBA Technology Department does not keep passwords and cannot access them
You should avoid having the computer “remember” your passwords. The time you save is not worth the risk
Passwords should be changed a minimum of once per year for FACTS SIS and for your computer and email accounts. The beginning of a new school or calendar year is a good time (FACTS SIS requires password changes approximately annually at time of login)
Secure passwords should be at least 8 characters and have a combination of:
Upper and lower case letters
Special characters, such as !, #, %, ? (If a particular special character is not allowed, the program will tell you)
How to choose a quality password:
Phrases Adjusted - Try a phrase that has some meaning for you, but substitute some unusual combinations. For a password such as “Ilovemyjob” you could use a 1 in place of the I or “l” in love, a 3 in place of the e, a 0 (zero) in place of one or more o’s. Then add a special character or two to get passwords like this: 1l0v3myJ0b!? or !I1ov3myj0b!
Keyboard Patterns - You can also move up, down, left or right on the keyboard to type your password.
What NOT to do:
Do not use passwords that are easily guessed or hacked, such as birthdays, house numbers, anniversaries, the names of your animals, children or spouse.
Do not tape your password to your desk, the underside of your keyboard, etc.! NEVER share your password with ANYONE. If you know or suspect that a password has been compromised, change it immediately.
How to change passwords for:
iPad passcode, AppleID or iPad email password on iPad
Smartphone Security (iPhone or Android)